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Rover on a beach: faking Mars

When you want to test your algorithm in robotics, you could just take your robot, run it, and see how well it works. Well, it is already quite inconvenient to run your robot each time you edit one line of the code. Now imagine, that your robot is supposed to go on Mars. It is not really feasible to send a robot there each time you change your code.  More >

Internship at ESTEC: Eating and sleeping

ESTEC is an exciting place to be and I spent here very intense half year. Lots of trainees are arriving all the time but for most it is very mysterious facility. It is always good to be prepared! According to Maslow's pyramid, roof over head and enough food is the most basic human need. So if you are the trainee here are some tips. More >

Internship at ESTEC: welcome to the lab

Massive red doors were in the way. Martin took his card and swiped it near by the RFID reader. There was a short BEEP sound and the door clicked. It took a strong push to get them open - these door were guarding something very important. It took a second before my eyes adjusted for the bright light. And there I was, standing in middle of Mars! "Welcome to the lab." More >

Hidden trails of Hautes Fagnes - trail from Spa to Roetgen

I jumped from a turf to rock and from rock to turf dodging the deep mud. I did not notice that the water is getting deeper. My feet were getting more and more wet. Soon I realized I am trapped. Turning back wasn't an option anymore and as far as I could see, there was no path. The fens swallowed me. More >

Alice Springs: biking in desert

I pressed the rear break of my bike a bit more and..."click"—a silent sound slowly came from behind to warn me; the world stopped for a second. But next second it was running again, and pretty fast. I was going  with uncontrollable speed down the hill, above rocks, jumps, through turns. I would never go this fast on trail this technical. It was time to end it—I used the "ice skating" technique. It worked differently than I  intended but the result was same—I was not moving anymore.  I laughed, I was so happy. And it was not only the adrenaline in my blood. It was the amazingly bright orange all around me, it was the blue sky, or maybe the two kangaroos curiously watching me. More >

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